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imported_MassOfBass 31-Mar-2004 03:53 PM

Alright, so moral of the story today is, Break the law and the cops will leave you be. :P I agree if your all stiff and nervous they'll be after you if they can see your behaviour but if i am driving calmly at the speed limit noddin my head to some tunes, there is nothing suspicious about that. I cant see anything wrong with being a good driver someone in toronto should atleast try. lol

Cynikal.Mindset 31-Mar-2004 04:14 PM

what I find amusing is drinking a ginger beer (the ones in the brown glass bottles like real beer bottles) and then driving beside a cop and having a couple mouthfulls...thats some fun stuff, cops play games with us I play right back

spracingsports 31-Mar-2004 04:18 PM

Originally posted by CyniKal.Mindset
what I find amusing is drinking a ginger beer (the ones in the brown glass bottles like real beer bottles) and then driving beside a cop and having a couple mouthfulls...thats some fun stuff, cops play games with us I play right back
that is the best :thumbup: this little corner store by my house sells this old school soda pop in a silver can with red writing on it.... it looks just like a budweiser

Insuranceman 31-Mar-2004 07:29 PM

Re: Re: Tailed by POPO, so pissed off right now.

Originally posted by PunkInDrublic

the problem with that part is that most kids in there hondas aren't lowered legally and dont have legal emisions systems or stuff like that....

and you gotta remember cops patrolling in crusers are just out to make money... and most civics are an easy way to accomplish that....

Out to make money??? OOOOOOOOOO k, thats a new one.. lol ... :crazy:

imported_Promoking 31-Mar-2004 09:13 PM

bbarbulo: what's up with calling my ride a ****box? Just cause I drive domestic, doesn't mean you gotta hate on it.

I drive normal and go with the flow of traffic and ****. Whatever, it's obvious most people don't give a ****, so just forget i even posted the ****.

bbarbulo 31-Mar-2004 09:58 PM

fawk man... I'm saying in general, you see some kid driving a souped up Topaz all ****in paranoid n' ****, you'll assume he's high as hell, no? I never seen your ride. There is sum nice early Cavaliers here in Windsor, I'm not hatin :shrugs: You're forgetting I also own a modded Saturn :rolleyes: Don't think the world revolves around you, k?

bbarbulo 31-Mar-2004 10:00 PM

Re: Re: Re: Tailed by POPO, so pissed off right now.

Originally posted by Insuranceman

Out to make money??? OOOOOOOOOO k, thats a new one.. lol ... :crazy:

well, whatever, bring in income or whatever you wanna call it.

let's face it, drug busts and recovering stolen cars on time, and gun charges, that **** don't bring in the endz like traffic tickets do.

imported_Promoking 01-Apr-2004 03:00 AM

Sorry man, it sounded like it was directed at me. Yeah you should see what my Cav is gonna look like. Simple, clean and mean. Still sourcing parts for it. It's going pure classy muscle though. None of this APC showstoppa crap.

imported_kane2k 01-Apr-2004 12:29 PM

The reason cops will turn and tail you is to check your plates. They get behind you, punch in the numbers and wait for the result. Which means that if you are being tailed for more than two minutes then they are suspicious and waiting for you to do something dumb. As bbarbulo pointed out, driving like you're taking your test is pretty damn suspicious. If you speed by 5-10 then you'll look a little bit more relaxed and they will lose interest a lot quicker. Changing lanes and making turns to see if they are actually following you also, surprisingly, makes you look suspicious too. As far as smirking at cops goes, if you're 16 don't. If you're 26, like me, go right ahead because you probably have a better job and a little disdain for their miserable powertripping existence is par for the course.

imported_gatherer 01-Apr-2004 04:26 PM

I wave to them ... all the time.... :p

imported_MassOfBass 02-Apr-2004 01:45 PM

I love to smile and wave, especially when they are giving you a look.

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