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punkindrublic 05-Apr-2004 07:21 PM

post whoring puts a smile on my face :) <---- see the happy face

imported_Lofty 05-Apr-2004 07:28 PM

Just remember we're trying to help civic-chick out (+1 :thumbup: )

civic-chick 05-Apr-2004 07:30 PM

not to discount everyone elses advice but i think that was the best one yet...i NEED a hobby. I cant go home every night and sit in my appartment with no cable and bang my head off the wall. I need to take up knitting or video games or something. This is good...i mgiht be making progress....I have a great friend who lets me come over and indulge myself in whatever substance he may have ( only a selection of two: booze or plant...)but he works in the same place so we usually end up talking work anyways....
Thanks so much guys it feels better just to vent here

imported_~ILLEST CIV~ 05-Apr-2004 07:38 PM

Video u have a PS2??...get Final Fantasy Online...i hear that game is good....or pick some kinda game that ur into.....try and beat it.......

go home and work on ur car.....i don't know u personally but u probably like cars a lot.......i clean my car a lot to kill time.....and get my mind off things........i do like a full cleaning.....interior exterior...everything.....also helps u think

work out, theres something that'z really fun and a big stress reliever.......if u have a punching bag......

or just go hang out with ur friends......nothing helps u more then ur friends........just spending time and laughing with them....remembering the good times

spracingsports 05-Apr-2004 07:53 PM

im tellin ya civic chick, try art.. its cheap and easy.... even if you are aweful at it, it is a great way to relieve stress..... or you could start to write, like a diary, or just write a story....

anyways like cynikal said, you need a vacation... and you said that you cant take time off work because you wont sell cars... but you also said that you arent selling cars rite now anyway cuz its slow, so wouldnt now be the perfect time to take time off?

imported_~ILLEST CIV~ 05-Apr-2004 07:56 PM

Originally posted by spracingsports
or you could start to write, like a diary, or just write a story....

that'z what i use to do.....**** i forgot about that...i have a laptop in my room that'z only good for drawing paint pictures....and writing......and honestly....i have a diary type thing.....and whenever i hit a wall in helps......i have like 30pages or more.......of all my problems......and some pages are just full of **** **** ASS **** DICK **** FACE FUCER.......though it may be filled with really helps a lot....cause when u can find the words finally it just all pours out and u start to see things.....and learn and i dunno
a method of self discovery i helps though

dingus88 05-Apr-2004 08:01 PM

dude my life was horrible for along job was the root of the issue, I worked for minimum wage manual labour beign wet and cold all day with NO breaks (illegal yes but that's how it was) over 100 hours of work a pay cheque to not break 500 bux..:(

I never saw my friends I jsut ate slept and worked...the boss was horrible and the job very stressful with me runnign an enitre business and keepign it afloat. When I did quit it I was an entirely new person..I even lost a very good friend for those coupel of months cause I was such an asshoel and cold...

and trust me you need a hobby you have to do soemthign other than work, cause to much time to think is bad, think about a more consistant job...go back to school...all options to make life easier must be considered....when is the last time you had some human touch (sex)....maybe you need some kind of intimacy to get yoru mind off of work...:shrugs:

imported_gatherer 05-Apr-2004 08:02 PM

Lofty has some great advice .. if you leech well you can go forever on that principal... now if your like me witht he college nick name of 2 beer well you get the picture...

hey friday night was a great meet at Sheridan there... you had some good laughs ... maybe just hanging with friends is what you need. anyone up for a "cheer Jesse up Guelph meet?"

1) Gatherer

Buff 'n Stuff 05-Apr-2004 08:03 PM

cooking is supposed to help relieve stress... except for when it comes to cooking a huge meal for Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter.

bake some cookies or something. :thumbup:

imported_gatherer 05-Apr-2004 08:04 PM

Originally posted by civic-chick
not to discount everyone elses advice but i think that was the best one yet...i NEED a hobby. I cant go home every night and sit in my appartment with no cable and bang my head off the wall. I need to take up knitting or video games or something. This is good...i mgiht be making progress....I have a great friend who lets me come over and indulge myself in whatever substance he may have ( only a selection of two: booze or plant...)but he works in the same place so we usually end up talking work anyways....
Thanks so much guys it feels better just to vent here

Knitting is a good Choice I need a new Sweater!

imported_gatherer 05-Apr-2004 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Buff 'n Stuff
cooking is supposed to help relieve stress... except for when it comes to cooking a huge meal for Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter.

bake some cookies or something. :thumbup:

after my dad's first divorce he took up baking ... after his second divorce well let's just say we need a second oven now ...:p

white92d15b7 05-Apr-2004 08:14 PM

Originally posted by v8hunter03
go for a nice long relaxing drive:drivesafe
this works !!!!!!! trust in that i went for a drive last year to calgary spent a few worry free days with jason had a good time and some good laughs i was haveing a rough point in my life and the trip out west sure picked up my spirits and refreshed me i still don't have a job but thats ok im still fighting with my ex about my daughter still have problems with new gf but the long trip gave me some good time to think i got alot sorted out and everything seems ok how its going take some time to think and enjoy life quit focusing on the bad things and look for the good!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the oportunity Jason !!!!!!!

imported_Lofty 05-Apr-2004 08:32 PM

Originally posted by gatherer
"cheer Jesse up Guelph meet?"

1) Gatherer

I live in Erin - 25 min. from Guelph

1) Gatherer
2) Lofty

imported_LasenzaBoy 05-Apr-2004 08:35 PM

I'm not joking- anyone ever heard of sex. Nothing works better than that. It's about as natural as it can get. Plus it's just this
weather, it sucks***. It's just a depressing time of year, it"l fade
as it always does. Just gotta hang in there.

imported_gatherer 05-Apr-2004 08:37 PM

Originally posted by white92d15b7

this works !!!!!!! trust in that i went for a drive last year to calgary spent a few worry free days with jason had a good time and some good laughs i was haveing a rough point in my life and the trip out west sure picked up my spirits and refreshed me i still don't have a job but thats ok im still fighting with my ex about my daughter still have problems with new gf but the long trip gave me some good time to think i got alot sorted out and everything seems ok how its going take some time to think and enjoy life quit focusing on the bad things and look for the good!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the oportunity Jason !!!!!!!

your welcome ... the Trip back was annoying however .. (not your fault) those Damn sign turners causing the 2 hour traffic jam ... damn I was anoyed :p glad you had fun dude./....

This year Montreal and PEI are the destinations and possibily one out west ... not sure yet

imported_Promoking 05-Apr-2004 08:40 PM

Definitly long drives. Driving is like therapy for me, when I'm not having mad road rage. When I need to just let my mind wander off and enjoy the day, I go for a drive up north and open up the car real good. There are some really great routes I can fill you in on. PM for details.

Sex works too. You have a partner and are in a relationship. They can help you feel good again. It may seem like just a reason for sex, but human touch is very powerful.

Hope you feel better hun. I know what it's like. I've been fighting depression for a few years now. Still haven't gone to the point of meds to help, but I don't really believe in medicating problems. It's just not me. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.

Whiplash 05-Apr-2004 09:06 PM

i expect a call next time yer feeling like this Jess..

Miss Perfect 05-Apr-2004 09:29 PM

c ivic chick..i know how you feel

its' be stuck
im stuck right now..losing everything that ever meant anything to me..

im stuck in a rut and i can't get out..and ..but you still feel like **** the next morning..i say get a hobby..or change some things around, listen to music..keep a diary, have to find a way to feel good again..

good luck..if u ever need a friend to talk..who's pretty anonymous and will never here..just PM me, you'd be surprised about how low people can get lol

and id like to thank everyone on this helped me, sounds funny..but you have in a way. and i thank you
cheers to everyone and good luck:shakehand

Gunmetalef 05-Apr-2004 09:51 PM

Re: blowin my brains out....

Originally posted by civic-chick
I wanna F***ing kill everyone who talks to me...

you should go paintballing.. :shooter:

Bark$ 05-Apr-2004 10:02 PM

Hi i'm really new here....One thing thats good for stress is working out.
Or hit a punching bag....just pretend the bag is the customer you are having problems with....
Its a win win situation.
1 You stay fit
2 Your relaxed
Everyone has a certain camical in their body/muscles called "seritonin" (sp.unsure) its good to get rid of it. I feel relaxed everytime I leave the gym.
hope that helps.

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