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Ferio Vi-RS 17-Mar-2006 10:57 AM

exploding biceps
Check out the size of this guys arms. He obviously abused the steroids and now his arms look disgusting.


here is the video:

exploding arms

92extremehatch 17-Mar-2006 11:15 AM

there was a whole show on tlc about this a couple weeks back

cibs 17-Mar-2006 11:28 AM

i donno he said he had huge arms even before steroids...
whatever tho if that's what makes him happy then fine, i dont' see why we should pass judgement on it... everyone has their thing... if that helps him sleep better at night then whatever

t_dot_porkchop 17-Mar-2006 11:45 AM

thats not steroids....he is an idiot and should have been amputated as a result.

believe me when i tell you this: he injected many, many cc's of oil into his arms. he also used dirty needles, which lead to the infection in his arms.

Gallagher 17-Mar-2006 11:53 AM

beachballs for arms

imported_hdave 17-Mar-2006 11:53 AM

can someone explain this to me? did his arms realyl explode?

imported_Simich 17-Mar-2006 12:04 PM

Originally posted by t_dot_porkchop
thats not steroids....he is an idiot and should have been amputated as a result.

believe me when i tell you this: he injected many, many cc's of oil into his arms. he also used dirty needles, which lead to the infection in his arms.

Despite the fact that it's not the smartest thing ever, he knows he did it and he knows what people think of him, and he knows he has to live with it, so who cares.

92extremehatch 17-Mar-2006 12:10 PM

Originally posted by hdave
can someone explain this to me? did his arms realyl explode?

what actually happened from what i saw on the show on tlc is that because he used dirty needles (sp) all the time that he got an infection in one of his arms and what he tried to do by himself was remove all the puss and infectous liquid inside his arm with a dirty needle and he ended up bleeding for like hours all over his bathroom and it looked like a murder seen and he videotaped himself doing all this. When they exploded the was two parts, the first they exploded in size from his origonal to what they became and the second was with the infection the one just kept shooting out blood and infectous liquid

imported_hdave 17-Mar-2006 01:21 PM

is there video of the bicepts exploding? i want to see that

cibs 17-Mar-2006 02:06 PM

whatever... like i said before who cares idiots like that deserve what they get, if he wants to shoot himself up with all that crap knowing he's being stupid then that's his own problem... that's one of the benefits of the states... if he was here it'd be our tax dollars paying for his surgery

civicnation 17-Mar-2006 04:57 PM

that is disgusting, they look retarded. dont know why anyone would want to do that

imported_JDMman 17-Mar-2006 05:17 PM

moron...what do you gain from that.. "hey guys look at my arms arent they huge".."no man we don't want to look at your arms thats some nasty ****" "oh..ok then.. im gonna go make them bigger".. moron

imported_Simich 17-Mar-2006 05:45 PM

Originally posted by JDMman
moron...what do you gain from that.. "hey guys look at my arms arent they huge".."no man we don't want to look at your arms thats some nasty ****" "oh..ok then.. im gonna go make them bigger".. moron
Did you even read the interview?

imported_JDMman 17-Mar-2006 06:21 PM

yeah i did.. and from what he says his arms were always big... why would he want them to be bigger.. thats just he doesn't even loook good... body builders are supose to be huge but not look like freaks

Cynikal.Mindset 17-Mar-2006 08:48 PM

he wanted to be a freak

Tego 17-Mar-2006 09:12 PM

Thats ****ed!

92extremehatch 17-Mar-2006 10:40 PM

Originally posted by hdave
is there video of the bicepts exploding? i want to see that

keep an eye out on TLC they probably will replay this sometime again at night or on the weekends

Chigga1 17-Mar-2006 11:24 PM

Originally posted by t_dot_porkchop
thats not steroids....he is an idiot and should have been amputated as a result.

believe me when i tell you this: he injected many, many cc's of oil into his arms. he also used dirty needles, which lead to the infection in his arms.

ditto i read about this in a maxam magazine at work!
he injected directly in his arms!!! then she exploded MUHAHAH
stoopid idiot!

imported_JusBlaze 17-Mar-2006 11:26 PM

at the end of the day he could probably beat all you wussies in an arm wrestle

imported_kIeRaN 18-Mar-2006 01:02 PM

u havent seen me... :D

Chigga1 18-Mar-2006 05:48 PM

Originally posted by JusBlaze
at the end of the day he could probably beat all you wussies in an arm wrestle
doode wont be able to move!!!! his arms are too heavy

shlammed 19-Mar-2006 02:09 PM

it's called synthol

it's oil you inject into body parts to make yourself look like a retard

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