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civicdx 20-Oct-2004 05:19 PM

stripped bolt HELP
alright i have a stripped bolt on my distribuator and i need to take it off to complete my mpfi swap. i have tried an adjustable wrench, and visscripes(i cant spell) any other ideas would be good. its on a 1991 civic and its the top bolt on the dizzy.

bbarbulo 20-Oct-2004 05:24 PM

just cut the head off the bolt, and worry about it after you remove the dizzy... cuz then you'll have an extra 1/2 inch to work with.

or drill the screw and use an EZ-Out from Sears

kwikb16a2 20-Oct-2004 05:29 PM

use a dremel to cut a little slot and use a screwdriver

civicdx 20-Oct-2004 05:32 PM

i dont think i can drill it out without ****ing up the threds, and a screw driver i dont think will be strong enuf

bbarbulo 20-Oct-2004 05:36 PM

You drill a smaller hole into it, and use an EZ-out man! You do not drill right through it.

civicdx 20-Oct-2004 09:45 PM

im thinking of using a philips screwdriver because on the side of the bolt there is a philips insert but im just wondering if that will strip becase the bolt is tight, do u think it will strip?

bbarbulo 21-Oct-2004 08:48 AM

use a rachet with a phillips on the end, press hard on it and then turn the rachet. I use this method all the time on rotor screws and other hard to do areas. Very rarely does it happen that I strip a bolt nowadays.

imported_Dawson 23-Oct-2004 11:29 PM

try using a off set screw driver to get that bolt out if not take that cam cap that its attached off and turn it manual (by hand ) it will definatly come out that way but use that as a last resort

civicdx 24-Oct-2004 06:51 PM

i got the bolt off by using to 2 vicsgrips, 1 to hold the bolt head and 2 to tighten the the vicegrip.
sounds weird but worked without a problem

imported_zc_hatch 24-Oct-2004 07:21 PM

usually yu tighten the visegrip and use your manly grip to pull it together

civicdx 24-Oct-2004 10:03 PM

lol i am pretty week i geuss

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