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imported_terrible1 05-Mar-2004 03:13 PM

single wiper blade
how do u do the single wiper blade mod? do u need a special kit?

compubob 05-Mar-2004 03:21 PM

Please, Dont do it.. :(

Whiplash 05-Mar-2004 03:37 PM

if i remember right it might be illegal..

imported_snotz 05-Mar-2004 03:53 PM

yeah don't do it man

bbarbulo 05-Mar-2004 03:57 PM

If you believe it, I used to rawk this mod 5 years ago. :nods: RICERS UNITE!! :D

Cynikal.Mindset 05-Mar-2004 04:13 PM

there is a way you can do it with full sweep like benz does and you dont need a special kit...i just have to modify the pivot point on the motor arm...the wiper sits pretty flush with the bottom of the windshield and wipes all the way accross to the other bottom...the only drawback is that u get a big unwiped section above the driverside corner of the windshield..if you're shorter than its not much of a big deal but taller drivers might not like it

there is a how to on or somethin like that...mono-wiper mod

if done right its not rice!

imported_94EG6HB 05-Mar-2004 04:58 PM

It reduces visibility in the rain..


punkindrublic 05-Mar-2004 06:39 PM

*cough* rice *cough*

what happens if that one wiper motor gives out in the rain or snow?

Cantonagod 05-Mar-2004 06:42 PM

He didn't ask for anyones opinion, he asked if anyone knows how to do it. Keep your opinions to yourself unless asked for them.

punkindrublic 05-Mar-2004 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Cantonagod
He didn't ask for anyones opinion, he asked if anyone knows how to do it. Keep your opinions to yourself unless asked for them.
shouldn't he be warned if a mod he may be considering is unsafe or illegal?

Cantonagod 05-Mar-2004 07:01 PM

Saying it may be unsafe of illegal is different form calling it rice.
I personnaly don't care if it is a joke or not, I am sick of seeing "rice" posted everywhere.

imported_loudsubz 05-Mar-2004 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Cantonagod
Saying it may be unsafe of illegal is different form calling it rice.
I personnaly don't care if it is a joke or not, I am sick of seeing "rice" posted everywhere.

amen to that

spracingsports 05-Mar-2004 08:49 PM

Originally posted by loudsubz

amen to that

I'll third that notion

Cynikal.Mindset 06-Mar-2004 02:19 AM

Originally posted by PunkInDrublic
*cough* rice *cough*

what happens if that one wiper motor gives out in the rain or snow? only have 1 wiper motor in the first place! please dont tell me you thought there was 1 per wiper arm...its not rice if done properly...and if its rice then is Mbenz rice with their mono wiper?

the only concerns I have with it are:
wiper speed; under heavy rain and snow the wiper will not be able to keep up with the water on the windshield creating an unsafe driving environment for you and other drivers

Un Touched Glass; parts of the window that are usually touched by a normal wiper configuration will no longer be touched and we all know what salt spray does to a makes it opaque and dangerous to drive with

Oversized wipers; in order to get the best coverage of the wiper you are gonna need to up the size of the wiper blade and when it sweeps to the driver side of the car it loses contact with the window and flops over the side...after extended use like this the wiper blade will tear and become uselss

just some things to confifure before attempting this modification...and it is a modifcation not a quick remove one arm and adjust the other

Mono Wiper Tech

Here bud, this is the info you wanted...good luck with the install

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