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Adair 16-Oct-2009 09:56 PM

Teens & Cigarettes
Was surprised to read some of the statistics that were stated in this recent article.
Researchers find teens Ont. and Que. buying more black market cigarettes | Health & Fitness

seanv98 17-Oct-2009 12:08 AM

I saw this the other day on the news, it's pretty crazy. How many people on here smoke?

D.T.P 17-Oct-2009 02:30 AM

I used to and still smoke natives.
Back in highschool when rollies [zip bags] were 10$ I used to buy em and sell em to other kids haha, was makin enough money to pay my brother for gas, for my smokes and his smokes. Hahaha, now just buy decent quality smokes for 25$ called "BB" which actually are not bad.

Cynikal.Mindset 17-Oct-2009 08:39 AM

rez smokes are pure nasty ugh! if I'm gonna kill myself, I'm gonna do it with a quality product!

the best is when cheap asses try and put their rez smokes in a namebrand pack so they dont look like cheap asses

miss_jess 17-Oct-2009 03:02 PM

besides having the occasionally cig when im high... i dont smoke. I've never liked it, dont like the small and just prefer to spend my money elsewhere

.... grew up with a family full of smokes and most of my friends smoke, surprised i never ended up smoking cigs myself

bbarbulo 17-Oct-2009 10:34 PM

Originally Posted by Cynikal.Mindset (Post 1429645)
rez smokes are pure nasty ugh! if I'm gonna kill myself, I'm gonna do it with a quality product!

the best is when cheap asses try and put their rez smokes in a namebrand pack so they dont look like cheap asses

true. when i can't afford belmonts, it's time to quit smoking

D.T.P 17-Oct-2009 11:18 PM

^^ I hate belmonts. You guys hate on natives but you probably just tried the disgusting rollies. There are some more expensive ones that are quite good.
But to each their own.

Trybal 18-Oct-2009 12:18 PM

Stupid me...started smoking when i turned 19...Shame!

Brett 18-Oct-2009 11:57 PM

If it had been against the law to posses smokes when i was a teenager I doubt i ever would have started smoking. That would have saved me the supreme hassle of quiting, years back.

bengali548 19-Oct-2009 02:16 AM

what the hell is an illegal cigarette?

god this is why weed is so much better :P

bruce fee 19-Oct-2009 10:30 AM

native smokes are just the tobacco the main brands don't use. the natives don't farm it and grind the tobacco themselves.

it's stupid to tax cigarettes a lot cause of health concerns, but cheddar cheese and bacon get off easy.

smoking is stupid. that being said, i enjoyed them time and time again. quit short term a few times, and then always went back to a almost a pack a day.

i've been smoke free for about 10 months now maybe?

Nothing wrong with a society that smokes. It's just a vice. I'd say there are more important things to look at such as violent crime and the glamorization of organized crime and violence in media.

F8i 19-Oct-2009 06:01 PM

I think the law of possession a great political stunt. Yes I am for the idea. But it will just be like weed & alcohol, the courts will become overwhelmed and be tossing them out.

I was listening to a radio show on smoke tax, some guys was complaining about paying taxes on them for years, and felt targeted because non smokers were benifiting from his purchases... I applaude that twisted way of looking at it.

Non-Smoker, ftw.

3rdgen3 19-Oct-2009 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by miss_jess (Post 1429694)
besides having the occasionally cig when im high... i dont smoke. I've never liked it, dont like the small and just prefer to spend my money elsewhere

.... grew up with a family full of smokes and most of my friends smoke, surprised i never ended up smoking cigs myself

Im surprised you thibk to yourself that you dont smoke when you just admitted that you do when you get high.

An occasional smoker is still a smoker.

I started smoking when i was 9 years old....i quit when i turned 21 and started again last year...i was smoking 'occasionally'. I just quit again 3 weeks ago and I hope i never ever start back up again. Id rather keep the added weight from quitting than suck on that disgusting habbit again.

And to the people who think you can't can...i've now done it twice, cold turkey.

Trybal 19-Oct-2009 08:23 PM

Originally Posted by 3rdgen3 (Post 1429966)
im surprised you thibk to yourself that you dont smoke when you just admitted that you do when you get high.

An occasional smoker is still a smoker.

I started smoking when i was 9 years old....i quit when i turned 21 and started again last year...i was smoking 'occasionally'. I just quit again 3 weeks ago and i hope i never ever start back up again. Id rather keep the added weight from quitting than suck on that disgusting habbit again.

And to the people who think you can't can...i've now done it twice, cold turkey.

you can do it!!!

D.T.P 19-Oct-2009 09:56 PM

Quiting smoking is easy, I've done it millions of times.
I think a lot of smokers hate on native smokes because they have their mind set on just the belmonts or whatever other brand they smoke. To me, smoke is a smoke. Ofcourse natives do have some disgustingly tasting cigarettes, but accords or peter Jackson aren't all that amazing either. Imo belmonts aren't all that good either, its just the society norm and people just don't want to accept that other brands [including natives] can and are better than others.
Also, when people say they need their nicotine, that's very untrue, they need the routine, not the nicotine. So if you wanna quit, do something else like eat a chocolate bar.

Tyson09 19-Oct-2009 10:19 PM

correct me if im wrong but how can you quit something more then once? like thats not really quitting if you keep going back to it? and as for me i have never had a smoke, not even an unlit one in my mouth.

D.T.P 19-Oct-2009 11:25 PM

Well 3rdgen3 said he quit couple of times and I was trying to make a joke

Xscorpio 20-Oct-2009 09:04 AM

smoking is cool, let them smoke.

3rdgen3 20-Oct-2009 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by scrid3r (Post 1429998)
Well 3rdgen3 said he quit couple of times and I was trying to make a joke

Joke all you want....from 21-24 I did not have 1 cigarette. Just over 3 years and no smokes...however I was going through a bad break up with this girl and when i smoked, it always helped calm me i started having the odd smoke which lead to a pack a day....

I've quit for the 2nd time now...and I havent cheated at all. So what Im saying can be done.

civicEJ1 20-Oct-2009 02:29 PM

i smoke weed

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