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h_accordexr 20-Jun-2003 05:29 PM

the thing thats gonna happen to him is they are gonna put him in jail and once bubba and his boyz find out he did this **** they will beat him up everyday until he dies no one will know i dont think guards wont even care.

SiR-Racer 20-Jun-2003 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Si Veloz

you could have just put an innocents life in jeopardy ya dumbass!!


if this is indeed the real address then the guy's not even going to be at home. how is this putting his life in danger again??

imported_dented dx 20-Jun-2003 05:40 PM

inmates seem to get very angry at ppl that do theres things to children. maybe because some of them have kids, or maybe because they have consinces. my guess is this guy won't be put in the general population. they probably would kill him

Whiplash 20-Jun-2003 05:57 PM

Originally posted by SiR-Racer


if this is indeed the real address then the guy's not even going to be at home. how is this putting his life in danger again??

key word *if*.. and i don't remember saying *his* life either..
so a :rolleyes: back at ya..

there's all kinds of nut cases in the world..i think we've all figured that out by now..some guy gets pissed up and goes to check out this guys place, some lady, maybe the guys wife is sitting outside minding her own business..this pissed up guy thinks "hey, eye for an eye.." you're okay with that tho right??

or the guys brother, father, tenant, whatever is hanging around, someone figures "what the ****" and takes a round out of him..
being related and all they must be the same kind of people..
no doubt NOT, but that's how a lot of people think..

or, what if the guy is the wrong guy??
not everyone reads the paper, watches the news everyday..
maybe he's released and tries to go on with his life..totally vindicated..
ends up with a knife in his side....

my key point was, there's probably more than one person with his name....maybe even in the west side of TO....
let's just call it an unnecessary step taken??
or if ya wanna battle it out more i'll be back on later tonite..

imported_gatherer 20-Jun-2003 06:29 PM


I did also post a disclaimer in my post .... I also stated where I got the info from I also stated that there was a second guy that came up in my search ... if some **** up wants to mess up there own life by being revengeful.... who am I to stop him? thats a matter for the cops and any smart **** up would have found out that publicly available information by now..... and wouldn't need me to tell them ... personally I was simply confirming that this person does in fact live in the area stated... and has a telephone there ... what **** ups do with that info is up to them ... personally I might just want to see what the area looks like where this event could have taken place .... I want to see what sort of environment he lived in ... and yes I know he's innocent till proven guilty... I hope though that the prosecution has DNA evidence to sort of put a close on this case .. and I also hope cops and the prosecution didn't or won't mess up so that he escapes on a technical error... if he's innocent it will be proven if he's guilty it will be proven.

Legacy73 20-Jun-2003 06:39 PM

There's no need to worry guys, CFTO just showed the house on the 6 o'clock news with his name on the mailbox and everthing. Right now the forensics(sp) team is there searching for evidence and he is in custody appearing in court tomorrow morning.

We'll have to wait for the trial now.

SiR-Racer 20-Jun-2003 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Si Veloz

key word *if*.. and i don't remember saying *his* life either..
so a :rolleyes: back at ya..

there's all kinds of nut cases in the world..i think we've all figured that out by now..some guy gets pissed up and goes to check out this guys place, some lady, maybe the guys wife is sitting outside minding her own business..this pissed up guy thinks "hey, eye for an eye.." you're okay with that tho right??

or the guys brother, father, tenant, whatever is hanging around, someone figures "what the ****" and takes a round out of him..
being related and all they must be the same kind of people..
no doubt NOT, but that's how a lot of people think..

or, what if the guy is the wrong guy??
not everyone reads the paper, watches the news everyday..
maybe he's released and tries to go on with his life..totally vindicated..
ends up with a knife in his side....

my key point was, there's probably more than one person with his name....maybe even in the west side of TO....
let's just call it an unnecessary step taken??
or if ya wanna battle it out more i'll be back on later tonite..

you're over reacting man

just because someone posted this guy's address on TCC it's not the end of the world ok. and if someone REALLY wanted to do something stupid they would look up the address themselves.

sure it wasnt a "necessary" step to post the address but its definitely not something to get all worked up about.

airfalcon 20-Jun-2003 08:57 PM

If they prove it was him! I hope he get's the chair! and show it LIVE on CityTv, I feel so sorry for the parents can't imagine the pain they feel :(

bdotdan 20-Jun-2003 11:28 PM

airfalcon, you do know we don't have the death penalty in Canada right? so don't hold your breath!!!

Originally posted by gatherer
ok well using sources that are available to everyone (and I know this post will be edited)
then why post it? there was really no point in posting the guys address

airfalcon 24-Jun-2003 07:04 AM

**** you guys don't have the death penalty in Canada?! well what can I say!? I am Russian, I am still ajusting to your system. :D

damn so what do you guys do?! just give them jail?!

imported_gatherer 24-Jun-2003 08:50 AM

yeah send them to jail for a life sentence .. which is 25 years and you can get out in 1/3 the time if you bahave yourself behind bars

SpikeyLee 24-Jun-2003 11:34 AM

I don't know the full story, but while I was walking past a Star newspaper box I think that it said that they've got DNA to help their case? If that's so, then this guy is royally fu(ked!!!!!

If this is indeed the person who did this crime, then let's hope that he gets put in prison forever with ZERO CHANCE of parole!!!!!

bdotdan 24-Jun-2003 11:41 AM

from i remember from law classes i took in HS, if you get a life sentence its still not possible to leave because crims where you recieve a life sentence is so severe that even if you do get a chance for parole, thy usually deny it.

paul benardo got a life sentence, but i highly doubt he while ever leave jail after his life sentence s over.

imported_dented dx 24-Jun-2003 11:47 AM

i hope he makes it to his 25th year and gets lkilled in prison

airfalcon 24-Jun-2003 03:08 PM

yeah dave I am hoping that 2! I still think the ******* bastard should fry!...

racin chick 24-Jun-2003 06:08 PM

Guys, it's so sad to think that this guy only lived 100 yards from Holly's house. We can't do anything about what this guy did, the leagal system is dealing with that. What we can do is take 5 minutes out of our days and lobby the government for sex offender listings and laws that will help us to be more aware of the offenders in our area. We should also safeguard our kids and what else can we do....killing the bastard is not a solution.

imported_gatherer 24-Jun-2003 06:11 PM

bull how would a sex offender database have stopped this ... this dude is a first time offender?

SiR-Racer 24-Jun-2003 09:01 PM

Originally posted by gatherer
yeah send them to jail for a life sentence .. which is 25 years and you can get out in 1/3 the time if you bahave yourself behind bars
a life sentence is 25 years?? that doest make sense.

i think what you mean is that usually people who are given a life sentence are given the possibility of parole after 25 years. a life sentence is a LIFE SENTENCE. the only way out is if you get paroled.

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