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Double_B 14-Jun-2005 11:24 AM

Originally posted by shlammed

Thank you Luka, was going to say the same thing and ask what the hell is a resteront??

imported_Promoking 14-Jun-2005 02:26 PM

Frankie Tomatos is such ****ty food

rrspexpress 14-Jun-2005 03:07 PM

dude a couple of things........ click on the restaurant guide and it'll give you a list of restaurants, that are rated on a scale and it includes the average price. very helpful reviews

second, her gift HAS to be thoughful since you can't spend the dough, so make sure it is. nobody here knows her so nobody here can really help you out there. be creative

third, just a question.........why do you have an 05 civic if you're so broke?

imported_Bruce Fee 14-Jun-2005 03:21 PM

trackhack, try the souvlaki at the ballroom... it's really good... i used to get drunk there every friday.

i think milestones is crap.. i spent $80 there.. had the steak.. I went home and ate... i'd rather eat dinner at the fox and the fiddle over milestones anyday! i will never take anyone there, nor will I be taken.

hdave, remezzos at sheppard and warden is pretty good. dunno about the vegetarian lasagna. get off at warden and go north, it'll be on your left just before sheppard. the vegetarian canolli is alright. joey bravos is alright too.. watch the appetizers and drinks.. that's what ends up costing a lot...

imported_hdave 14-Jun-2005 03:56 PM

my parents got the car for me b/c i begged them after my ****box broke down (95 neon). they felt so sorry for me that they finally gave in to my begging after 2 straight weeks of harassing them non-stop.

as for the girlfriend thing, i dont have a job, i'm 21, i live with my parents, i'm a ****ing custy.

if i spent over 50$ i'd have a heart attack. she better think that the dinner is her present cuz she aint getting n e thing more then 50$ worth of dinner. if worse comes to worse, i'll take her to wendy's, scratch that, some custy place that offers food by the plate (styrofoam plate i might add) and then i'll take her to the backseat of my new civic and hopefully neither of us will be gassy.

when i get lucky, i'll laugh that i only spent less then 10$ since no one can think of something cheap.

i bet all you guys have to spend pure money to get laid, $10 should do the trick if you know how to run tings

imported_Bruce Fee 14-Jun-2005 04:00 PM

wow, we have Al Bundy jr here

imported_Moe_Mentum 14-Jun-2005 04:18 PM

Man you can get laid for free, but she's your girlfriend not some cheap hooker... so technically you shouldn't have to spend anything to hook up with her. But seriously man if your gonna only spend like $10 then why bother.. you mine as well just stay at home and make her a nice dinner. Out of curiousity is your girlfriend really cheap to? If so then its all good cause atleast you two will be on the same level

t_dot_porkchop 14-Jun-2005 04:31 PM

why doesnt she pay some?

she is really causing you a lot of grief....a real girl wouldnt. if she knows you are broke, how can she expect a $$$$ dinner.

stay home and make a nice pizza will spend $10 and she will love it. if she doesnt, send her packing.

[1sL0CiviC] 14-Jun-2005 04:32 PM

what an ass clown

civicnation 14-Jun-2005 05:07 PM

i say you stay at home and the both of you can make something together. the cost is minimal and you two should have fun.

rrspexpress 14-Jun-2005 05:22 PM

i don't think they have a place to go to cook........he lives with his parents (he's only 21)

if the only reason you want to spend money or treat her nice is to get laid, i hope she gives u a b/j and bites your dick off. that's not what a g/f is for

imported_ERTW 14-Jun-2005 06:07 PM

Originally posted by hdave
my parents got the car for me b/c i begged them after my ****box broke down (95 neon). they felt so sorry for me that they finally gave in to my begging after 2 straight weeks of harassing them non-stop.

as for the girlfriend thing, i dont have a job, i'm 21, i live with my parents, i'm a ****ing custy.

if i spent over 50$ i'd have a heart attack. she better think that the dinner is her present cuz she aint getting n e thing more then 50$ worth of dinner. if worse comes to worse, i'll take her to wendy's, scratch that, some custy place that offers food by the plate (styrofoam plate i might add) and then i'll take her to the backseat of my new civic and hopefully neither of us will be gassy.

when i get lucky, i'll laugh that i only spent less then 10$ since no one can think of something cheap.

i bet all you guys have to spend pure money to get laid, $10 should do the trick if you know how to run tings

you lack any sort of class... i hope she leaves you after you blow all of your 50 dollars on her..

its not about the money man, its about appreaciating your girl. if you have no money, tell her that and dont spend any. if she likes you, she will understand

but please please dont lower and disrespect her like that by saying what you are saying, shes your girl, and if this is your true character, you will so lose her

imported_hdave 14-Jun-2005 06:27 PM

Originally posted by hdave
my parents got the car for me b/c i begged them after my ****box broke down (95 neon). they felt so sorry for me that they finally gave in to my begging after 2 straight weeks of harassing them non-stop.

as for the girlfriend thing, i dont have a job, i'm 21, i live with my parents, i'm a ****ing custy.

if i spent over 50$ i'd have a heart attack. she better think that the dinner is her present cuz she aint getting n e thing more then 50$ worth of dinner. if worse comes to worse, i'll take her to wendy's, scratch that, some custy place that offers food by the plate (styrofoam plate i might add) and then i'll take her to the backseat of my new civic and hopefully neither of us will be gassy.

when i get lucky, i'll laugh that i only spent less then 10$ since no one can think of something cheap.

i bet all you guys have to spend pure money to get laid, $10 should do the trick if you know how to run tings

that wasnt me it was my friend using my account.

i had a ****box 95 neon. it died. this car isnt mine, its my parents' car but i use it most of the time.

yes im 20 yrs old, currently i have no job, looking for another summer job and my money from last year ran out already.

im trying to keep this anniversary under 120 bucks, cuz like i dont have a job and need money to pay for other things too, its not like i can use 100% of my cash flow on her.

imported_hdave 14-Jun-2005 06:29 PM

im cool, my girl is cool. she doesnt expect much from me or else she woulda left my broke ass long time ago.

i dont have a problem spending money on her, i jsut have a heart attack when i see any big numbers (cuz im poor unfortunately)

and no shes not a cheap hooker.

sorry for all this misconfusion.

imported_Shazza 14-Jun-2005 06:33 PM

Originally posted by trackhack
Joey Bravo's on the south side of Sheppard between McCowan and Brimley. I don't know about the vege lasagna(who eats that crap? j/k) but the quality of food is top notch. About the same price as Eastsides as well.
yeah guy! i love that place for their rigatonni a la vodka and its pretty cheap there and always quiet. the fireplace is nice in the winters. the pasta is like 30% off on sundays too. and the mushroom soup is to die for!

imported_Promoking 14-Jun-2005 07:52 PM

Yea Milstones is crap, went a week ago to the Yorkdale one.

2000SE 14-Jun-2005 08:24 PM

tratreoni leanordo's on bloor
spelling is way off
it's good and affordable

imported_Fug 14-Jun-2005 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Promoking
Yea Milstones is crap, went a week ago to the Yorkdale one.
i agree, i was there on sunday, and it took so damn long to get the food, like we waited and waited. then finally the guy came back and asked us if we wanted anything else, and we were lilke "ya, our damn main course u idiot", a little bit less harsh than that but I got a strawberry dakari (don't laugh) and it tons of ground up lime peels in, WTF, who wants to eat lime peels...and thats the solid green outside i am talking about..hehe, i won't be going back there anytime soon....we should have stuck with the Pickel Barrel as our first choice..that place looked pretty good.:banghead:

imported_caloge 14-Jun-2005 10:56 PM

go to california sandwiches, that place is pretty classy, they even have free napkins :richslap:
maybe you shuold just ask your parents for a bit of coin, good luck

imported_Promoking 15-Jun-2005 01:29 AM

don't knock the CS, they're still the best veal sandwhich ever. I used to be addicted. $10 a sandwich is an expensive habbit though :yummy:

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